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Cloudflare Worker SDK API Reference

Cloudflare Worker SDK

Highlight's Cloudflare Worker SDK lets you track your errors and responses in Cloudflare Workers with no impact on performance..

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H.init() configures the highlight SDK and records console log methods. The session is inferred based on the incoming network request headers.

Method Parameters
import { H } from "@highlight-run/cloudflare"; export default { async fetch(request: Request, env: {}, ctx: ExecutionContext) { H.init(request, { HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' }, ctx) // do something... console.log('hi!', {hello: 'world'}) return new Response('hello!') }, }


H.consumeError() reports an error and its corresponding stack trace to Highlight. The session is inferred based on the incoming network request headers.

Method Parameters
import { H } from "@highlight-run/cloudflare"; export default { async fetch(request: Request, env: {}, ctx: ExecutionContext) { H.init(request, { HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' }, ctx) try { // do something... return new Response('hello!') } catch (e: any) { H.consumeError(request, { HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' }, ctx, e) throw e } }, }


H.sendResponse() traces a response from your backend. This allows tracking incoming and outgoing headers and bodies.

Method Parameters
import { H } from "@highlight-run/cloudflare"; export default { async fetch(request: Request, env: {}, ctx: ExecutionContext) { H.init(request, { HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' }, ctx) const response = new Response('hello!') H.sendResponse(response) return response }, }


H.setAttributes() attached structured log attributes to all subsequent console methods. Repeat calls with the same key update the value.

Method Parameters
import { H } from "@highlight-run/cloudflare"; export default { async fetch(request: Request, env: {}, ctx: ExecutionContext) { H.init(request, { HIGHLIGHT_PROJECT_ID: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>' }, ctx) // do something... console.log('hi!', {hello: 'world'}) H.setAttributes({my: 'attribute', is: Math.random()}) console.warn('whoa') return new Response('hello!') }, }